Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's finally decorating time!

This weekend, we decided to decorate for Christmas. We get our tree from Grace's school-sponsored Boy Scout troop. This year we decided on a huge tree (nearly 10 feet!) since we have a vaulted ceiling. I decided to decorate the tree with my soft Boyd's Bears ornaments, the kids' handmade school ornaments, and old-fashioned ornaments that I bought to make it safer for Colt and to give it that "old-timey" feel.

We found a Little People nativity set that's adorable and put that out since Colt is still very handsy : )

I also put up the kids' advent calendar and I finally found some mistletoe!

For our door, I found some Christmas craft paper and wrapped it around the front door. I also bought a real balsam wreath and placed some of my wooden and metal old-fashioned ornaments around it. I also had some jingle sleigh bells and placed them on the door knob.

We don't have a fireplace, so I had to put our stockings on a bookshelf. Hopefully the next house we have will have a fireplace - wishful thinking : )

Lastly, I put my Santa Mickey in the front yard with some plastic candy canes. He's always the last thing I put out.